All Souls Day~

Breath and Body
Light and Soul
This morning started out a bit stressful with me unable to find my keys, my son not wanting to leave the house or for me to leave him, and both of us feeling tired. Jason was off to work early this morning and know he was exhausted too. We all managed to make it through the morning.In fact, the day turned nicely despite our rough start.
After dropping Liam off with my mom and dad, I broke down and called Rachel to see if she could open the studio for me. She was so willing. And I was so thankful. I could breathe a sigh of relief, and I did.
Actually, that's it. I became aware of my breath or, rather, of the shallow, tight, barely-there sort of breathing I was doing in my stressed state. That awareness of the whirlwind emotion I felt wrapped up in and the quality of my breath informed me of the need to pause, to breathe.
Since I spent much of the morning in search of my keys, I ran out of time to practice. Usually, I practice before I teach to warm and wake my muscles, practice the sequence, prepare the room, and get myself centered. Instead, I spent my drive to the studio doing alternate nostril breathing so that I could clear my mind and get settled. Making a concerted effort to focus on each inhale and exhale did the trick.
The class theme was about taking the time to look over the past year, plant the seeds of desire in the heart for the year to come and wait. Sit with the seeds in the heart. Enjoy this time of going inward, this space between the end and the beginning. Naturally, the focus was on breathing and getting into the space between the breath and the space between one pose to the next. We did a variation on moon salutations and worked on opening the hips to prepare for sitting, breath work and a short meditation. Class went well.
Though I am not a fan of stressful, harried mornings, I did learn something. I really do need to make a conscious effort to ground my abundant, sometimes fast, spinning energy. I am grateful I am becoming more aware of myself and the way in which I can get worked up and overwhelmed energetically.
After a snack and a good nap, Liam, Jason and I were feeling much better. In fact, the afternoon spent with my boys was perfect. We went for a bike ride, played at two different parks and rode home. Liam and Jason played soccer in the backyard while I started soup. While the soup was stewing, I took the dog out for a walk. The sun was setting and the bright, beautiful moon was up. It was gorgeous end to the day.
Today really is the perfect day for new beginnings.
Happy All Souls Day,


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