
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Sacred in Sacrifice

  The Sacred in Sacrifice~ I signed up for another writing course with Mary Angelon and Christina Sell called "Pathways of Return" and it's already been so nourishing and insightful. And we are only 3 weeks in. I really cannot speak highly enough of these two teachers (and Regina Sara Ryan too!).  Anyway, after hearing the story of Jumping Mouse (look it up!), we had several questions to contemplate. I chose the question that stood out the most for me. Here is what came out... In your life, where do see the theme of sacrifice?  In my life, I see the theme of sacrifice in Motherhood. This has been an interesting consideration because I think I've somehow come to believe that sacrifice is something mothers 'have to do'. And I think for me, I have come to see sacrifice as something negative. And maybe at times in my Mothering life, I have felt I had to give-up everything for my kids and husband for the greater good of the family in general. And there is some trut...