Taking it all in~
Lila is 21 days old or 3 weeks old today and doing great. She is a very sweet baby and is pretty easy to soothe. Here at the Tullous household we are all adjusting to life as a family of four and slowly settling into a rhythm. Things are mostly good with an occasional rough day thrown in the mix. I have, of course, hit the wall of tired but am surviving. The good news is that Lila is starting to sleep for longer stretches between feedings at night and that helps. Liam is doing pretty well with things for the most part, and we all seem to be recovering from our rough start and stint in the hospital. He does have his days where he seems to want and need more of my time and attention, and I do my best to be available and present with him. Liam loves his little sister and wants to touch her, kiss her and hug her constantly. In fact, we have to remind Liam to give her a little space especially when Lila is tired and trying to go to sleep...